
Building a Business and Being Neurodiverse

Building a business is hard out there, for a whole host of weird and wacky reasons and it takes creativity, perseverance, and strategic thinking to respond to the challenges you’ll face. When you’re neurodiverse, this path can feel even trickier, but also presents a way to use your unique perspectives for success.


Neurodiversity is an umbrella term that includes conditions like Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, and others. People who are neurodiverse often experience the world differently, with these differences manifesting in both challenges and strengths in a business setting.


  1. Sensory Sensitivities: people with sensory sensitivities might find typical business environments overwhelming, affecting their focus and productivity.

  2. Social Interaction: Networking and team management, crucial aspects of business, can be daunting due to difficulties in social cues and communication.

  3. Routine and Structure: The unpredictable nature of starting and running a business might clash with the need for routine and structure common among neurodiverse individuals.

  4. Executive Functioning: Tasks that require organisation, prioritisation, and multitasking might pose significant challenges, impacting decision-making and strategic planning.

Neurodiverse people often bring unique strengths to their businesses, such as remarkable focus in areas of interest, outside-the-box problem-solving skills, and a unique way of looking at things that can lead to creative business solutions.

The Case for ‘Getting someone else to do it’

Doing everything needed to run a business is incredibly hard work, on top of doing the actual thing you’re selling! Hiring someone to write blogs and copy for you can be a wise move and can take one thing off the to-do list.

1. Consistency and Quality

Professional writers can ensure that your business's messaging is consistent and of high quality. They can adapt to your brand's voice, ensuring that your content resonates with your target audience while maintaining a professional standard.

2. Time and Energy Efficiency

Delegating writing tasks frees up time and energy that can be better spent on areas of the business where you excel or prefer to focus on…which is why you went into business in the first place, right? For neurodiverse entrepreneurs, this can mean dedicating more time to creative or strategic aspects of the business, where unique perspectives can be most valuable.

3. Expertise in Engagement and SEO

Professional writers understand how to engage audiences and are skilled in SEO practices. This expertise means your content will not only captivate your audience but also improve your online visibility, driving more traffic to your website.

4. Reducing Stress and Overwhelm

Managing a business involves juggling everything all at once, which can be overwhelming, particularly for individuals with ADHD or anxiety. Outsourcing tasks like writing can reduce this feeling of being overwhelmed, allowing you to focus more on well-being and the aspects of the business that align with your strengths.

5. Enhancing Communication Skills

Collaborating with professional writers can also serve as a learning opportunity, improving your own communication skills. By working closely with writers, you can gain insights into effective communication strategies, storytelling, and branding.


Neurodiverse business owners bring invaluable diversity of thought and innovation to not only the business world, but everywhere else too. While the journey may present unique challenges, leveraging the strengths that come with neurodiversity and recognising when to delegate tasks like writing can be key to building a successful and sustainable business.