

You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘content is king’ floating around - it’s a slogan that’s been buzzing about in marketing circles for the last few years. It's pretty annoying.

But it makes sense.

Without content – other parts of the communication mix would be pretty useless.

What do we mean by that?

Well, SEO strategists would be sat twiddling their thumbs with nothing to optimize; links used on social channels wouldn't signpost to anything; users would be fruitlessly searching for content with specific keywords and receiving no answers; Google wouldn’t have any content to crawl through and index.

Content is the constant theme that runs throughout most marketing activities.

And don’t just take our word for it. The Content Marketing Institute found that 88% of marketers use content marketing and plan to increase their budget in the future.

Tell us more about content

Content stretches across all channels and platforms – it’s product descriptions, infographics, blog posts. Basically, content is anything that gets your a message across to an audience. And content marketing is about creating and sharing quality content that delivers value.

Creating truly engaging content involves grabbing the attention of your audience and compelling them to take the next step in their customer journey. HubSpot carried out research and found that brands that published 16+ quality blog posts per month received 3.5x more traffic than those that published 0-4 monthly posts.

Good content works!

How does it work?

When you’ve worked on your content strategy and defined your audience you can figure out who your content needs to speak to;

  • Who are they? Where are they?
  • Where do they hang out online? What platforms/channels do they use?
  • What/who influences their purchasing decisions?

Knowing your audience is a key part of content marketing and then you can work on developing the best tone, topics, length, relevance and format.

Once you start creating your content - your brand will enjoy lots of benefits:

  • You can build brand awareness and give your customers a reason to talk about your brand if they share and pass on your content. A survey by Clutch found this was 49% of content marketers’ top priority.
  • It helps to start relationships with your audience - who you can engage and interact with through your content and discussions around your content too.
  • Your brand can develop more authority in your area of expertise. Great content can build trust with customers who will look to your brand for advice.
  • Effective content will drive traffic towards your website.
  • If you’re consistently producing brilliant content then the gods at Google will take note and flag your site higher in search rankings for relevant queries.
  • Content based around your products and services can lead to an increase in direct conversion rates.

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